GC4653 고품질 4메가 CMOS 카메라 이미지 센서
GC4653 is a high quality 4Mega CMOS image sensor for security camera products, digital camera products and mobile phone camera applications. Full integration with high performance makes GC4653 fit t……더 읽어보기 -
GC4663 고품질 4메가 CMOS 카메라 이미지 센서
GC4663 is a high quality 4Mega CMOS image sensor for security camera products, digital camera products and mobile phone camera applications. Full integration with high performance makes GC4663 fit t……더 읽어보기 -
OS04C10 2.0 micron pixel, 4MP resolution image sensor
●OmniVision's OS04C10 is a 2.0 micron pixel, 4 megapixel (MP) resolution image sensor for IoT and home security cameras. When paired with the designer's selected platform, the OS04C10 can en……더 읽어보기 -
OV4689 고프레임 속도 4메가픽셀 카메라칩™ 센서
●The OV4689 is a high-performance 4-megapixel CameraChip sensor in a native 16:9 format designed for next-generation surveillance and security systems. The sensor uses advanced 2-micron OmniBSI™-2 p……더 읽어보기 -
OV4689 4MP High Frame Rate 4MP sensor
●The OV4689 is a high-performance 4-megapixel camera chip sensor in a native 16:9 format designed for next-generation surveillance and security systems. The sensor uses advanced 2-micron OmniBSI™-2 ……더 읽어보기
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