카메라 모듈에 대한 전반적인 솔루션 제공
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GC1064 Camera 1/4″ HD CMOS Image Sensor

GC1064 has 1280Vx720H resolution and 1/4-inch optical format, and 4-transistor pixel structure for low-light image quality and low noise variation. The comprehensive integration of high-performance and low-power features makes GC1064 the best fit for design and reduces the implementation process. The excellent image quality in low-light and high dynamic range scenes makes it a perfect choice for a variety of applications, including surveillance, automotive, and HD video. It provides RAW10 and RAW8 data formats with MIPI interface. It has a commonly used two-wire serial interface for the host to control the operation of the entire sensor.1.jpg

GC1064 has an active image array of 1296×742 pixels. The active pixels are read out step by step through the column/row driver circuit. To reduce fixed pattern noise, a CDS circuit is adopted. The analog signal is converted to a digital signal through a 10-bit A/D converter. The digital signal is processed in the ISP block. Users can easily control these functions through a two-wire serial interface bus.


-1/4-inch standard optical format

-Output format: Raw Bayer 10bit/8bit

-전원 요구 사항:

AVDD: 3.3~3.6V


DVP: 1.5~1.8V

MIPI: 1.8V

IOVDD: 1.7~3.6V

-PLL support

-Full size @60fps (PCLk>96M)

-Windowing support

-MIPI interface support

-수평/수직 미러링

-이미지 처리 모듈

-High sensitivity for low-light operation

- 패키지 : CSP

GC1064 Specifications:

매개변수 일반적인 값
광학 포맷 1/4 인치
픽셀 크기 3.4umx3.4um
활성 픽셀 배열 1296×742
ADC 해상도 10 bit ADC
최대 프레임 속도 Full size@60fps (PCLk>96M)
전원 공급 장치 AVDD:3.3-3.6V
전력 소비 240mW(Active) <100uA(Standby)
신호대잡음비 41db
다크 커런트 15mV/s @ 60°C
감광도 3000mV/(lux , s)
작동 온도: 30~85°C
안정된 이미지 온도 -30-85°C
Optimal lens chief ray angle(CRA) 12° (non-linear)
패키지 유형 CSP

도고즈스 GC1064 카메라 모듈 추천:GC1064 Camera 1/4″ HD CMOS Image Sensor插图1

태그: GC1064
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