Memberikan solusi menyeluruh untuk modul kamera
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Memberikan solusi menyeluruh untuk modul kamera
Produk penelitian dan pengembangan kami telah diterapkan dalam pemantauan keamanan, pengenalan wajah, deteksi inframerah, deteksi langsung, elektronik konsumen, Internet of Things, transmisi kode pemindaian, visi mesin AI, perangkat yang dapat dikenakan, terminal swalayan, rumah pintar, industri, elektronik otomotif, endoskopi medis, dan hampir 100 bidang aplikasi lainnya.

Modul kamera pengenalan wajah

The principle of face recognition is to use a camera or camera to collect images or video streams containing faces, and automatically detect and track faces in the images, and then perform face recognition on the detected faces. Face recognition is a biometric technology for identification based on human facial feature information, and its essence is image processing. The face recognition camera module is an image acquisition device that integrates face recognition functions. It uses advanced artificial intelligence technology to perform high-precision recognition and analysis of face features. When collecting images, it can automatically recognize faces, extract feature vectors of faces, and compare them with pre-stored templates. In this way, it can quickly and accurately recognize faces and realize functions such as automatic access control and security monitoring.

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    John Doe

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