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Fournir une solution globale pour le module de caméra
Nos produits de recherche et développement ont été appliqués dans la surveillance de sécurité, la reconnaissance faciale, la détection infrarouge, la détection en direct, l'électronique grand public, l'Internet des objets, la transmission de codes de numérisation, la vision artificielle IA, les appareils portables, les terminaux en libre-service, la maison intelligente, l'industrie, l'électronique automobile, l'endoscopie médicale et près de 100 autres domaines d'application.

module de caméra de surveillance du conducteur

DMS (Driver Monitor System) driver monitoring system can realize functions such as driver fatigue monitoring, driver attention monitoring, dangerous driving behavior monitoring and driver identification. For different models of passenger cars and commercial vehicles, different alarm mechanisms are designed for different levels of automatic driving, and key driving data can be stored and uploaded to the cloud, which can improve the driving safety of vehicles and is an important sensor for high-level intelligent driving. DMS (Driver Monitor System) driver monitoring system can realize functions such as driver fatigue monitoring, driver attention monitoring, dangerous driving behavior monitoring and driver identification. For different models of passenger cars and commercial vehicles, different alarm mechanisms are designed for different levels of automatic driving, and key driving data can be stored and uploaded to the cloud, which can improve the driving safety of vehicles and is an important sensor for high-level intelligent driving.

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