The connection between the ESP32 camera module and the camera is established through the MIPI CSI interface. MIPI CSI is a camera serial interface standard, which can achieve high-speed data transmission between the camera module and the ESP32 microcontroller.
Specifically, the MIPI CSI interface is composed of a pair of differential signal lines, which include a clock line and a data line. The clock line transmits the clock signal of the data transmission, and the data line transmits the image data or command data. The ESP32 camera module and the camera are connected through a CSI connector, which can achieve high-speed and stable data transmission between the two devices.
In addition to the MIPI CSI interface, the ESP32 camera module also provides other interfaces such as GPIO, I2C, and SPI, which can be used to control the camera module and adjust the parameters of the camera sensor.
Dogoozx Provide overall solution for camera module
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